
It All Starts With Our Values

At Motorola, corporate responsibility means being a good global citizen. To ensure our stewardship we have principles, policies, practices, and performance measures in place for ourselves and all of our Business Partners.


Innovative Products, Customer Delight and Quality

We create innovative products and solutions with quality and performance that meet or exceed our customers' expectations.

Ethics and Transparency

We operate with transparency and according to high standards of ethics and law in directing and managing the Company for all stakeholders.

Environmental Quality

We foster sustainable use of the earth's resources in our products and operations, and we strive to design environmentally conscious products.

Diversity and Inclusion

We create an engaged workforce that can contribute its full potential in an inclusive work environment.

Safe and Healthy Workforce

In cooperation with our employees, we work to maintain a safe and healthy workplace and support employees' work-life balance.

Economic Opportunities and Growth

We work to create wealth, economic opportunities and growth in regions where we do business, through our products, services, relationships and operations.

Supplier Relationships

We set expectations for our suppliers and work with them to conduct their operations in compliance with applicable laws and accepted standards of fairness and human decency. We create a diverse supplier base.

Community Support

We support educational, environmental and social needs in the communities where we operate.

Our Corporate Responsibility Business Principles are supported by our Corporate Responsibility Policy, Code of Business Conduct, our Environment, Health and Safety and Human Rights policies, and our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Code of Business Conduct

Our Code of Business Conduct describes the ethical values we require from our employees and our business partners. It sets forth what we stand for and what we prohibit as a company. It also identifies policies and resources to help employees live up to these expectations.

Failure to comply with the Code can lead to disciplinary action, including dismissal from the Company and, where appropriate, referral to law enforcement. In summary, the Code requires all employees to:

  • Do the right thing all the time
  • Deliver on our promises with the highest degree of quality, excellence and integrity
  • Protect our confidential or proprietary information and that of our customers and business partners
  • Respect our individual differences and the quality of ideas and innovation that result from these differences
  • Build and sustain our brand, our reputation and the trust of those who work for and partner with us
  • Accurately represent Company records, not conceal, falsify or destroy documents in violation of our record retention policies
  • Compete aggressively but fairly and with integrity
  • Avoid conflicts of interest between personal interests and our Company
  • Report business conduct concerns immediately as proscribed by applicable local law, and not retaliate against anyone who speaks up
  • Obtain and conduct business legally and ethically, without accepting, promising or giving bribes or kickback


Ethics Awareness and Training

Our ethics training and awareness programs promote understanding of our business conduct requirements among employees and our business partners. We provide our employees with innovative tools and information to keep ethics at the forefront of our business.

Ethics Reporting and Monitoring

Motorola Mobility's Ethics Line offers employees, our business partners and other stakeholders an avenue to report any suspected ethical concerns to our Office of Ethics and Compliance. Staffed by EthicsPoint, an outside vendor, this 24-hour toll-free and web reporting service can translate in 180 languages. EthicsPoint is also available to our employees via an app which puts the ability to report concerns or ask questions at their fingertips.

We investigate all allegations of ethical misconduct and take corrective action when claims are substantiated. This can include disciplinary action and termination.

Concerns can be logged at

Or by calling, toll free:
+1 866 839 5946*

Or by writing to:
Motorola Mobility LLC
Office of Ethics and Compliance
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60654

*In the United States, Canada or Puerto Rico. Outside the U.S. and Canada visit for dialing instructions from your country.

Corporate Responsibility Governance

Ethics Awareness and Training

Our global corporate responsibility team coordinates all relevant activities at Motorola Mobility worldwide. It also establishes performance indicators, sets goals for improvement and reports progress to our stakeholders.

We operate a rigorous environment, health and safety management system, and have green leaders in each business whose task is to reduce the environmental impact of our products throughout their lifecycles. We also have a dedicated corporate responsibility team to assess suppliers' compliance with our strict Supplier Code of Conduct.

It is difficult to manage what you don't measure. We have therefore established and tracked company-wide metrics in key areas of corporate responsibility. To identify appropriate metrics, we draw on the findings of our stakeholder engagement efforts, best practice reports and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines.

Public Policy Focus

Motorola Mobility's Government Relations and Public Policy office identifies advocates for policies that allow us to design technology so that consumers have the best mobile experience at their fingertips, every second of every day. We focus on key issues, such as privacy, spectrum allocation & management, intellectual property protection, product environmental impact & energy efficiency, enabling innovation, and reducing the cost of mobile device ownership for consumers to allow consumers access to amazing new hardware.

As a global company, we participate in public policy debates throughout the world. We engage with government officials both directly and through industry associations. We always strive to act legally and ethically, within the scope of our Code of Business Conduct and compliance policies.